Event Details

Berliner DAALA am Mittwoch, den 24. Februar 2016, in der Volksbar Berlin

(DAALA = Digital Analytics Association Late Afternoon).

Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle, die im Bereich Web- und Digital Analytics, Online Marketing Optimierung, Daten-Integration und Big Data, Social Media, Mobile, sowie verwandten Gebieten tätig sind. Natürlich sind auch interessierte Gäste aus anderen Berufsfeldern herzlich willkommen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, lediglich eine vorherige Anmeldung wird erbeten.


18:00     Einlass

19:00     Vortrag (auf Englisch) “Data Quality in the Digital World”

Jacob Sohn will cover the most common problems that digital analysts and marketeers have to deal with when it comes to making sure that their websites and mobile applications are properly tagged and capturing data at all times. And what steps can be taken to ensure that you can trust your data.

ObservePoint will offer a free sample audit to everyone who attends.

Jacob Sohn has worked in digital marketing for 8 years across 3 different continents. A former Google Analytics practitioner and Adobe employee, Jacob now heads up ObservePoint for the EMEA region.


ObservePoint provides the market-leading enterprise data quality management platform that maximizes return on marketing technology by thoroughly identifying, analyzing, and testing javascript-based technologies deployed on web sites. Household-name organizations around the world leverage ObservePoint technology to improve data quality, provide transparency into data collection methods, monitor and systematically protect vital business metrics. ObservePoint’s data quality management platform includes three products: Audits, Simulations and Mobile App Auditing.

ab ca 20:00     Networking

Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle an ObservePoint, die den DAALA sponsern werden.

Wir freuen uns auf ein tolles Event mit Euch!

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